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Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Camera Phone Sessions

Thought I would do an experiment with my camera phone.  Though the quality is not that great, I feel I was able to capture the mood I was looking.  Not bad for an 8MP.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Milestone, Now a Stepping Stone

My Photographs Make Debut in the National Cancer Institute's Cancer Bulletin

To view the bulletin in its entirety, please visit

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Moments in Time

I decided to try to sort through my photo library to see what photos I need to trash, which ones to keep, and to see if there were any worth printing.  I came across the photos below which I can't believe I forgot I had.  They are from a road trip I took a few months ago down the east coast.

I'm no history buff but it seems there was something learned everywhere I went. Typically when I come home from a vacation, I'm relaxed and wishing that I could have stayed longer.  This particular trip, I came back fulfilled. One of the reasons, I learned about landmarks I never knew existed.

I think I need more trips like these.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Happy Memorial Day/BBQ Tips for the Inexperienced

I just wanted to take the time out to say THANK YOU to the men and women who are serving and protecting our country.  Wherever you may be, please stay safe and we all await your return back to the states.  To those who have lost loved ones in the line duty, please know that they did not die in vain and we take this time to continue to remember each of them.

Here are a couple of shots I took from the Korean War and Vietnam War Memorials to commemorate this day.

On a lighter note, a few tips for the inexperienced grillers this Memorial Day:

  1. First and most importantly, if you are not a griller, just leave it to the professionals.  This is not the time for experimenting.  
  2. Water is not your friend when trying to put out a fire on a grill. You and your local fired department will be dealing with a bigger fire if you do.
  3. Rare may be good for beef but not for poultry.  Cook the poultry slowly so that it can be cooked thoroughly, unless you just want to give your guests the gift of salmonella.
  4. Just because they call it a smoker doesn't necessarily mean that your whole backyard or picnic area should be blanketed in it. There's good smoke and bad smoke. If you see your guests doing belly crawls in the backyard or masking their faces with their clothing, you'll know which one you created.
  5. There's nothing wrong with a little crispy on the outside as long as it is juicy on the inside.  Food should not be cajuned all the way through.
Follow these tips and you will have a somewhat successful cookout. HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Kingdom Citizens Youth Empowerment 1st Annual Jazz Gala

I had the opportunity to photograph KCYE's first annual Jazz Gala back in April.  This is an awesome organization founded by Christella Spry that mentors youth through biblical principles.  Check out their website at  In the meantime, here are some of the photos from the gala:

Thursday, April 21, 2011


I know it's been several weeks (ok, a month), since my last post.  I've been away for awhile but I'm back. I hope that you are doing well, especially now that we are officially in the Spring season.  I'll have new pictures to share of various things I photographed while I was away by the weekend.  Also, be on the lookout for April's Click newsletter. It was postponed but will definitely be distributed before month-end (I'm aware that's next weekend).

Also, as most of you may know, I'm trying to raise money towards breast cancer awareness.  Proceeds will benefit the Tigerlily Foundation.  Please help me with my efforts by visiting  Any amount you donate will help with raising awareness and will also help a someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. You can also learn more about the Tigerlily Foundation by visiting their website

Enjoy the rest of your day! If you live in the DC metro area and your allergies are as bad as mine, please take your medication.  The pollen count has been through the roof!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Moon Over DC

The moon was at its brightest last night and photography enthusiasts, and others, descended upon the National Mall to take advantage of the view.  I enjoyed capturing the moment, and if you missed it, here are a couple of photos: